Research on the TI MathForward™ Program
Richardson, TX ISD
Conclusion: For the third consecutive year, TI MathForward students in the Richardson Independent School District demonstrated significant achievement gains on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). The program also helped close the achievement gap for African American students in the diverse district where a total of 13 middle and high schools participated. Results in year 4 showed a consistent pattern.
SRI International, University of Texas at Austin
Independent evaluation research showed improved TAKS results contributed to the school and district successfully meeting AYP in year 1 and to the district improving its state accountability rating from Acceptable to Recognized.
Reference: (Alexander and Stroup 2006; Stroup and Alexander 2007)
Conclusion: Students at two grade levels who were in the program made greater 1-year gains in mathematics achievement than students not in the program.
SRI International |
Conclusion: TI MathForward teacher program survey results reported greater teaching effectiveness, improved student engagement and reduced behavioral problems in the Richardson, TX ISD participating classrooms. Additionally, assessment of teacher math content knowledge showed improvement.
Winick and Lewis Research, LLP
Year 2: Jr. High program expansion showed:
Levittown, NY Public Schools
Conclusion: Significant 9th grade achievement gains among TI MathForward Students on both New York Regents and course exams in Levittown Public Schools demonstrate the importance of a strong program implementation.
SRI International
Springfield, OH Local Schools
Conclusion: In the Springfield Local Schools in Ohio, middle grades students participating in their first year of the TI MathForward program experienced significantly greater gains in achievement in comparison to their achievement gains from the previous year.
SRI International
Brentwood Union School District, CA
Conclusion: In the year 1 pilot implementation of the TI MathForward program, 8th grade students showed significant student achievement gains on the California State Test in the Brentwood Union School District.
SRI International
Conclusion: In 2007-8, there was evidence of improved teaching practice.
Winick and Lewis LLP
Conclusion: Effectiveness of MathForward is demonstrated in independent quasi-experimental research, and in case study reports by school districts with successful implementation.
Foshay 2011 |