Education Technology
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Partners in Student Success

Educators and Texas Instruments (TI) have been collaborating for more than 30 years to cultivate math and science classrooms that foster academic accomplishment and college and career readiness.

Learn how partnering with TI can help realize your strategies for student success

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TI Talks

Throughout our monthly TI Talks speaker series, hear from TI partners and educational representatives on topics such as preparedness for post-secondary education, STEM career pathways, computer science education, equity and access in education.

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Grants and funding resources

We have compiled a reference document of grants from federal and state organizations, as well as other foundations, that you could consider using a portion of to assist in obtaining TI technology and services. This is not an exhaustive list, but shows some funding sources to consider.

In the state grant portion, you might not see every state listed, but many of the grants have equivalents that can be searched for via the department of education website for your state. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Cezar at

Partner Education McAlister Video

Video: Turning teachers into leaders

TI systemic professional development is paying off in McAlester High School classrooms, a partner in the Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP grant.

Partner Education GenSTEM

Video: Inspiring Generation STEM

Take a video tour of TI offerings that support educational strategies to motivate today’s students to become tomorrow’s problem-solvers.

Partner Education Bera College

Teacher interviews: Motivate student engagement

Teachers give TI technology and professional development high marks for improving instruction following a year-long series of coaching sessions.

Partner Education Chandler Gilbert

Case study: Deepen understanding in beginning algebra

TI-Nspire™ technology’s dynamic representation of mathematical principles provides a major advantage by enabling students to visualize tough-to-learn concepts.

Partner Education Grants

Resources: Find funds to support and enhance programs

Develop comprehensive, grant-winning applications to fund everything from district-wide initiatives to programs requiring just a few thousand dollars.