Education Technology

Fractions / What is a Fraction?

Grade Level 3
Activity 1 of 15
This lesson helps students understand and visualize a fraction as a number that can be represented as a point on a number line.

Planning and Resources

Students should understand that a fraction can be represented as a point on a number line. They use a number line to interpret the following:
1. (a/b) is a copies of (1/b)
2. (a*n/n) is a fraction
3. (0/n) is equal to 0

unit fraction

Standard: Search Standards Alignment


Lesson Snapshot


Fractions use two symbols to describe this new kind of number: the fraction (a/b) on a number line is a lengths of (1/b), where b indicates the number of equal partitions between 0 and 1.

What to look for

Students will learn that the denominator indicates the number of equal parts in each whole unit and the numerator indicates the number of those parts.

Sample Assessment

Which fraction has a value closest to (1/2) ?
a. (5/8)
b. (1/6)
c. (2/2)
d. (1/5)

Answer: a

The Big Idea

A fraction is a number that can be represented as point on a number line.

What are the students doing?

Students use an interactive number line to visualize and explore fractions as numbers.

What is the teacher doing?

Make sure students understand that the denominator of a unit fraction names the number of equal parts into which the unit has been partitioned, and that the numerator names the total number of copies of the unit fraction from 0 to the point on the number line named by the fraction.