Education Technology

Fractions / Equivalent Fractions

Grade Level 3,4
Activity 2 of 15
This lesson helps students understand that two fractions are equivalent (or equal) if they are located at the same point on the number line.

Planning and Resources

Students should understand and explain that two fractions are equivalent (equal) if they are the same size or the same point on a number line.  They can compare and express the relationships between two fractions using the symbols <, =,="" or=""> and justify the conclusions by using a visual fraction model.

equivalent fractions
improper fractions

Standard: Search Standards Alignment


Lesson Snapshot


Once students understand equivalence, they can begin to order fractions according to their size.

What to look for

Students should recognize that, as with whole numbers, when ordering fractions the larger of two fractions is located farther to the right on the number line.

Sample Assessment

Write a comparison statement to order the fractions from least to greatest.

(25/12), (13/12), (9/10), (13/5)

Answer: (9/10) < (13/12)="">< (25/12)=""><>(13/5)

The Big Idea

Two fractions are equivalent (equal) if they are the same size or are located at the same point on a number line.

What are the students doing?

Students reason about the size of two fractions by observing the length of each unit fraction on the number line. They write a comparison statement ordering two fractions using the symbols < ,="," or="">.

What is the teacher doing?

This lesson addresses improper fractions only in terms of describing fractions greater than 1. Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers does not appear until after students have become familiar with adding fractions.