Sharing Inspiration 2022 - A touch of STEM
Webinar series T³ Europe
In 2022 the T3 Europe teacher network offered a special webinar series for STEM teachers. Inspired by scientists, each webinar showcased the beauty of STEM to inspire you as a teacher. Speakers from different countries shared curriculum aligned STEM ideas and practices that you do not find in textbooks. All webinars focused on application in the classroom!
Topics Webinar Series 2022
Webinar recording March 31 - webinar ‘Descartes’ (Alexandre Técher)
Webinar recording April 14 - webinar ‘Euler’ (Hans-Martin Hilbig and Dr. Hubert Langlotz)
Webinar recording May 24 - webinar ‘Fahrenheit’ (Ian Galloway)
Webinar recording June 2 - webinar ‘Monte Carlo’ (Robert Cabane)
Webinar recording June 16 - webinar ‘Escher’ (Bert Wikkerink)
Webinar recording November 7 - webinar ‘Curie’ (Christine Buerki)
Webinar recording December 20 - webinar Numerical Methods of Solving Equations to Develop Computational Thinking and Math Learning (Raul Goncalves)
• Please watch the recorded webinars here
• Check this page with FAQ’s on T³ Europe webinars
Sharing Inspiration since 2007
Many teachers from different European countries involved in the T³ Europe network have been meeting every second year since 2007 in the ‘Sharing Inspiration’-conference. Every year teachers were invited to take part in the conference. Since we opted for a virtual format, all STEM teachers are able to participate in Sharing Inspiration. “The added value is that you learn from each other and that you make international contacts,” according to one of the participants.