Research on TI-Nspire™ Technology
Experimental Studies
Conclusion: Algebra 1 students taught with TI-Nspire outperformed the group using TI-84’s in all assessments except the state test.
City University of New York |
Conclusion: Students using TI-Nspire handhelds have demonstrated deeper understanding and greater abilities in drawing inferences, with greatest gains by low-achieving students.
University of Washington
Conclusion: Teaching with TI-Nspire CAS may improve motivation to use algebraic representations, confidence, and diversity of tasks selected by students.
Institute for Mathematics, University of Friburg Preliminary qualitative analysis of lessons in beginning Algebra taught with TI-Nspire CAS concluded that:
Conclusion: Appropriate use of TI-Nspire technology can facilitate use of shared resources for collaborative learning, high student engagement, and a novel, integrated format for instructional units. Beliefs that the calculator is an aid to learning mathematics (not just an efficiency device).
Research Institute on Mathematical Education (IREM), National Institute on Education Research (INRP)
Using one such learning activity in geometry:
Student opinion surveys showed:
Reference: (Aldon, Artigue et al. 2009) |
Conclusion: Pre-service teacher attitudes toward TI-Nspire were reported to be significantly affected by modeling of exemplary practice in the field.
Brooklyn College-CUNY
Conclusion: Classroom use of TI-Nspire™ and the TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System can enhance student engagement, collaboration and learning.
Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International Reference: (Center for Technology in Learning 2008) |
Conclusion: • Using TI-Nspire, some practices had a positive impact on learning processes of the students and on their attitudes towards mathematics. • TI-Nspire facilitated mathematical modeling and meaningful introduction to the use of symbols. • Using TI-Nspire, reinforced multitasking, compared with the old way of operating in sequence for longer periods of time.
University of Turin |
Case Studies
Conclusion: Use of TI-Nspire technology in pre-service education has been reported to stimulate increased willingness to learn and greater pedagogical reflection.
Florida State University
Conclusion: In integrated algebra with low-income students, significant achievement gains occurred with effective instruction using TI-Nspire technology.
City University of New York
Conclusion: Use of TI-Nspire CAS may help student understanding of key algebraic concepts such as equations, parentheses, and equivalence
George Mason University |
Conclusion: TI-Nspire was increasingly used to stimulate students to think mathematically and, in many cases, to engage and motivate strongly with mathematical structures and concepts in way that is normally not possible with traditional paper and pencil approaches. Classes using TI-Nspire technology showed increased student autonomy and confidence in determining individual approaches to enquiry and problem solving; motivation among students by stimulating a natural interest in mathematics; greater opportunity for students to get immediate feedback and assess their understanding
University of Chichester There was a strong evidence that TI-Nspire:
Conclusion: When using TI-Nspire (in TI-84 mode), conceptual instruction followed by instruction that integrates both concepts and procedures was the most efficacious in helping students learn to begin writing linear equations.
The importance of intention and order: teaching for conceptual understanding using handheld technology
Qualitative Research
Conclusion: Teachers using TI-Nspire were convinced that the use of multiple representations of mathematical concepts generally enhances their students’ relational understanding of these concepts and were willing to provide extensive evidence to support their arguments.
University of Aberdeen |
Conclusion: Students using TI-Nspire tended to use more graphical representations.
University of Florida |
Research Basis
Conclusion: The Math Nspired curriculum supplements are based on analysis of state tests to find topics which are tough to learn. Each activity is designed to have high fidelity mathematically, cognitively, and pedagogically.
Oregon State University Michigan State University The Math Nspired series of curriculum supplements currently include Algebra Nspired and Geometry Nspired. The supplements grew from research on the “tough to teach/tough to learn” topics, which our item analysis of state tests showed yo be common points of difficulty for many students. To determine the underlying reasons for the difficulty, we consulted the research on the reasons why students struggle with key concepts in Algebra and Geometry. We found that the source of difficulty is mathematical tasks with high cognitive demand, which use schematic and strategic knowledge of math. We concluded that the need is for learning activities which engage students in high cognitive demand mathematical tasks that require schematic and strategic knowledge of math. Each activity features: |
Conclusion: The design of TI-Nspire technology builds on and unites the strong research findings on how effective teaching with graphing calculators can enhance student learning.
SRI, Inc., Menlo Park, CA
Conclusion: The ability to see and dynamically link multiple representations, as supported by TI-Nspire technology, is shown to be essential in developingconceptual understanding.
SRI, Inc., Menlo Park, CA
Reference: SRI, "The Pedagogical Potential of TI-Nspire" TI Research Note 9 |
Conclusion: In TI-Nspire, connecting multiple representations has the potential to manage cognitive load of complex problem solving, when used in well-designed learning activities.
Reference: SRI, "The Pedagogical Potential of TI-Nspire" TI Research Note 9 |
Conclusion: TI-Nspire technology's ability to save all student work (in documents) enables reflection, formative assessment and continued learning outside of class time - activities shown to increase student learning.
SRI, Inc., Menlo Park, CA
Teachers can also give students problems which are half completed, and then ask them questions such as:
Reference: SRI, "The Pedagogical Potential of TI-Nspire" TI Research Note 9 |
Conclusion: Math Nspired curriculum supplements grew from research on topics which are “tough to teach/tough to learn”. Learning activities include a special TI-Nspire document designed to get students to the math faster.
Oregon State University / Michigan State University |