Education Technology

Solution 11929: Calculating P-value on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Family of Graphing Calculators.

How do I calculate the p-value on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators?

The p-value can be calculated using the normalcdf command if you have the z-score. 

To calculate the p-value of a Left-Tail Test with a z-score of -1.34 calculate a normalcdf using the syntax below: 

Please Note: E listed below is the EE key accessed by pressing [2nd] then [,]


A result of .0901227339 will be displayed. 

To calculate the p-value of a Right-Tail Test with a z-score of 2.78 calculate a normalcdf using the syntax below: 


A result of .0027180034 will be displayed. 

To calculate the p-value of a Two-Tail Test with a z-score of 2.31 calculate a normalcdf using the syntax below then multiply it by 2:


A result of .0208881005 will be displayed. 

Please see the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Family guidebooks for additional information.