Education Technology

Fractions / Fraction Multiplication

Grade Level 3,5,6
Activity 10 of 15
This lesson uses interactive unit squares to explore the concept of fraction multiplication.

Planning and Resources

Students understand that the product of two fractions is the product of the numerator and the product of the denominator; in general, (a/b)x(c/d) = (ac/bd). They understand that multiplying any number by a fraction less than one creates a product less than the number; multiplying any number by a fraction greater than one produces a product greater than the number.

commutative property of multiplication

Standard: Search Standards Alignment


Lesson Snapshot


Students can think about the finding the product of two fractions as finding the area; where each multiplier represents the base or the height of a rectangle.

What to look for

Be sure students understand that the whole number 2 would be represented by shading two of the unit squares and by the fraction (2/1).

Sample Assessment

What is the product of (4/7) x (3/2)?

Answer: (12/14)

The Big Idea

The product of two fractions is the product of the numerators and the product of the denominators.

What are the students doing?

Students use unit square models to explore multiplying fractions by fractions; yielding products that are greater than 1.

What is the teacher doing?

Help students to connect the product of the denominators with the number of rectangles in the unit square and the product of the numerators with the number of shaded rectangles.