- Use the randint() function to generate random integers.
- Use for loops to repeat code.
- Use selection statements to make decisions.
- Use the draw functions from the TI-Draw library to create circles and text.
- Use the sleep function from the Time library to create animation.
- Practice solving quadratic equations
- Use the distance formula to find the distance between two points
- Use the modulus operator, %, to find a remainder
About the Lesson
In this coding activity for the TI-84 Plus CE Python, students will create a dart game that uses factoring to earn darts. The game will generate 4 random factor problems. If students answer correctly, they will earn a dart. Answer two questions in a row, earn an additional dart. After factoring 4 questions, toss all the darts to earn a score. How high can you score? Answer all 4 questions correctly, earn 6 darts. Can you score a perfect 30?
Note: This lesson requires the use of TI-84 Plus CE Python technology with OS 5.6 and above.